Conflicting Interests

2 min readMar 7, 2018


Only those who’ve mastered something can actually get Artistic into it.
It isn’t just a painting or scattered-colors that’s called Artwork
It isn’t just the music, dance, and design that involves Art
Even a surgeon with his highest experience makes his work Artistic.

Conflicting interests.

Having grown up in a typically closed world, I was later suddenly exposed to the actual world, and unlimited vastness to explore into, carrying a young heart exploding with fascination and confusion about all the fields of interests that there are.

Philosophy asked me what’s the purpose of my life and existence

Photography challenged me how well can I capture a moment in a frame

Literature enforced me with a thousand ways to capture a thought in words

Paintings provoked my ways of putting down my imaginary worlds for the world to see

Lucid Dreaming helped me visualize a whole dynamic imaginary world

Poetry brought music into what I write as a rhythmic dance of words

Papercuts flourished a poetic way of minimalistic representation of a portrait

Music, thru a piano, helped me vocalize the electrical tingling inside my nerves

Having peeped into most of these other worlds that a typical being only consumes but never creates, I’ve realized a true sense of happiness might lie in being a part of the community that’s involved in creating them, rather than jsut consuming and admiring.

Yet, here I’m forced to work at something that stops me from doing all that.

Suppose, I believe the purpose of life is to work creating art day and night.

And not work to earn like most others, just to give myself a delusional luxury of living physically, with a perishing rotten heart that’d die along with these dreams of a selfless art’ career.

So, I’d hurl myself out of this corporate glass box, to dedicate most of this minute speck left in this lifetime, just to give myself time and energy for exploring all art styles out there possible.

Isn’t happiness abundant, in creating artworks just for the sake of arts and not for making a living out of it??

I realise I’m taking a step back in this financial rat-race of mankind, also taking the future of my family along, but with a strong belief that it’s only in the interest of arts and literature where happiness and a sense of achievement lies in, which is apparently conflicting with the norm.

At the end, would I be completely mistaken??




Classical Poetry ~ translating prose in articles to rhyming verses